Increasing your chances of successful publication in research journals: An insider's guide


Increasing your chances of successful publication in research journals: An insider’s guide


By  Kate Snowden

Managing Editor, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd

2006.6.2  上海图书馆




SLIDE 1 (intro)


Thank you for attending the workshop. It is a pleasure to be here.



So, as you can see, I’m Kate Snowden and I am a Managing Editor at Emerald Group Publishing Limited.  I h**e worked for the company for 4 years now in various roles, but most recently as a Managing Editor which I h**e done for the last2 years.

正如大家可以看到,我叫Kate Snowden,是Emerald出版社的责任编辑。我在公司不同岗位工作4年,其中近2年担任责任编辑。


Much of what I’m going to talk about today in terms of the publishing process and tips for being published applies to all scholarly journal publishers and all subject areas whether it be management or engineering, however, where we differ or where we potentially differ will be made clear.





SLIDE 2 (agenda)


So here is the agenda for today’s workshop. I’ll start by telling you a little bit about Emerald, where we came from and what we publish. Then I will go on to talk about the supply chain.



Next I will take a quick look at usage which is important because as an author you want to be read and cited.



The next area is probably the one that you are all most interested in and that is Tips for Publishing Success.



I also want to tell you a few things about Emerald that really differentiates us from other publishers. As we actively support authors and new research you h**e to offer, there are many services that you can benefit from, as an author and as a faculty member.





SLIDE 3 (background)


Emerald Group Publishing is based in Bradford, in the North of England, in between Leeds and Manchester. We started out back in 1967 when a group of academics from Bradford Management school, decided to start up their own organization that focused on niche management disciplines including strategy, change management, and international marketing.



The company has come a long way since then and now employs over 150 people with regional offices in the US, Malaysia, Australia, Japan and China.



Back in 1996 the company launched its Emerald Fulltext Database an online collection of over 100 journals that we publish.



And for those of you who are wondering, Emerald actually stands for Electronic Management Research Library Database.



In 2005 we launched Emerald Management Xtra, which is really a development of the fulltext database but it is not only for libraries, but also offers a suite of solutions for authors, researchers, faculty and alumni too.

2005年,我们开始提供Emerald Management Xtra,这是全文库的一个重要的升级,不仅为图书馆,同时提供作者、研究人员、教学人员和毕业生一套完整的解决方案。


As a publisher, we aim to be:



International, inclusive (we h**e a philosophy of theory and practice), visible in our support of knowledge about scholarly research and its processes, and focused on improving author, reader and customer experiences.



Additionally, we believe that business research should be applied to the business world, and that it must communicate to managers in organisations. This means that we actively encourage applied research, case description and qualitative discussion and analysis as well as quantitatively based papers.





SLIDE 4 (portfolio)


Emerald is a high quality international publisher and that is reflected in our portfolio. We h**e 142 business and management and library and information services journals and 17 engineering journals.



We acquired over 20 journals in 2005 and launched 6 new journals in 2006.



As well as Emerald Fulltext, our current online resources include Emerald Management Reviews (independent reviews of the top 300 management journals in the world), which is a site for managers that provides concise, action oriented articles, case studies and interviews, and were currently developing a similar resource for the engineering community, Emerald Engineering.

会同Emerald全文数据库,我们在线的数据库还有Emerald Mangement Review(一个包含300多种世界顶尖管理学期刊**评论的文摘库) 是一个提供简练实践导向型文章、案例分析、会谈录等的专业站点。还有我们现在为工程人员正在开发的类似站点,Emerald Engineering




SLIDE 5 (supply chain)


Next I would like to talk to you about the editorial supply chain. This might be obvious, but perhaps worth covering again just to ensure you know what happens to your paper once it has left your desktop. These are the groups that are going to take your paper from your PC to the finished journal and make it **ailable on the database and in the printed journal.



The first stage of the chain is of course the author. Next, the editor. The editor is responsible for;



  • sourcing      new papers征稿

  • liaising      with the Editorial Advisory Board和编辑顾问团联系

  • attending      conferences 参加会议

  • promoting      the journal to his or her peers向他的同行推荐期刊

  • developing new areas of coverage发展期刊的新覆盖领域


As the subject specialist, the editor will make all decisions about what papers will go into the journal and, if the title is peer reviewed, will be responsible for sending papers out to reviewers.



The managing editor (my current role within the organisation) is the direct link between the publisher and the editor. Our aim is to help the editor succeed in turning their title into a top-class, internationally recognised, journal.



We work with the editor to create long-term development plans for each journal and look at the positioning of each title in the marketplace. Managing Editors also attend conferences with a view to raising the profile of our journals.



In terms of day-to-day tasks, we are responsible for ensuring journal issues come in from the editor and are submitted into production in a timely manner.



Once an issue has been received by a Managing Editor, it will pass through to a department called Quality Assurance.  QA will carry out a number of checks to ensure that your article is complete before it enters the production process proper where it is typeset, proofread, and placed into a housestyle before being converted into SGML format for the databases and into hard copy for despatch.



Finally we come on to the users who will access Emerald content in many different ways. This could be through hard copy, via a database or as part of a third party agreement.



And all of this then comes back in a virtuous circle to our authors who, more often than not, are also our users.

SLIDE 6 (editors)



Editors are VIPs (very important to publishers!)



Editors are the unsung heroes of the publishing worlds. They mould, guide and drive the journal, they are the journal.


They try to attract as much quality copy as possible, appoint special issues, promote the journal at conferences and manage the review process.



Please speak to the editors. They will be happy to read an abstract/draft of your paper and give you feedback. Please communicate with them, send the m an email, Emerald editors are friendly, I can promise you they don’t bite!





SLIDE 7 (online usage)


As I h**e already mentioned, online usage is becoming more and more important and through this medium we are always looking for better ways to disseminate your work and hopefully increase your citation rates.



Here are just a few statistics to show you how the online community currently uses our content. As you will see, our online usage is growing at 19% a year and this is also the trend across business in general.



We h**e 35,000 articles online that represents over 10 years of content. 100,000 of these papers are downloaded each week and we had over 7 million downloads in 2004.



Although this may not be a key concern when crafting and submitting an article, it is worth keeping in mind, particularly when looking at the readability of your piece, the keywords you assign to it and the title you propose.



Our online resources greatly increase the dissemination of all our authors work, world-wide. We h**e 1,200 customers across the globe and 97 of the world’s top 100 business schools are customers. Because the majority of the 1,200 customers are libraries, this means that we h**e a potential audience of 15 million people.





SLIDE 8 (tips – being published)


So now I am going to move on to the part of the workshop that I expect you are most interested in, the tips for publishing success.



But you may be asking yourself, why go through a publisher in the first place? What does it mean to be published via a publisher? Well, being published means that your material is trustworthy, someone apart from you thinks that it is good. If it has been peer reviewed then a number of, often influential, people within your field think that it is good.





Your material is permanent, once published, your content will h**e a permanent place. In other words, it is always there for research. This is particularly important when you bear in mind the fact that many of the articles that are downloaded from the Emerald Fulltext database are not from the current volume, but from the last few. In fact, articles from a few years back are still actively downloaded.



And finally, because being published electronically by a publisher is the same as being published in hard copy (by a publisher) in terms of verification, then your work becomes **ailable to a far greater audience.







So where do you start? If you can answer YES to any of these questions you h**e the basis for a publishable paper!





SLIDE 10 (tips – abstracts)


Before I go through these tips for getting published, I h**e to stress that nothing I am about to say is complicated. It is all very simple and based on common sense. You may already do much of what I am about to say, which is great. But I hope that you will be able to take away at least one or two new ideas that will help you improve your papers.



One of the most common problems that Editors, Reviewers and Managing Editors h**e is understanding what an article is about. I cannot count the number of times I h**e received a submission and h**e had to read through the whole article to get to the actual topic.



What you h**e to remember is that not everyone who sees this article is going to be as knowledgeable about the subject as you – someone researching an area new to them will h**e a lower level of knowledge



A good abstract will help a managing editor channel an article submission towards the correct journal and will help a busy editor see at glance that this is a piece worthy of sending out for review.



At Emerald we h**e recognised the need for clear concise abstracts and h**e therefore recently taken a leaf out of the scientific publishing world and introduced our structured abstract policy. All articles in the Emerald Management Xtra database are in this format.

Emerald,我们已经认识到清晰简明文摘的需要,引入了在科技出版里使用的结构性文摘,所有在Emerald Management Xtra中的文章都采用了这种形式。



As you can see, there are 6 headings that look at:



  1. Purpose      – what are you aiming to do with this research? Why h**e you written this      paper?


  1. Design      – or methodology.


  1. Findings      – what were your results? What was interesting about them?


  1. Research      limitations/implications – what is the next step in your research?


  1. Practical      implications – of what value is this in practice?


  1. Originality/value      – this is critical. How does your research add to the body of knowledge?      What is its value in this context?



H**ing this structure helps to focus the attention of the reader and will encourage them to look at a submission further.  Now, it’s not essential to complete each heading as it may not even be possible, but wherever possible try and complete all 6 sections.



The abstract is what will sell your article to the editor or the reader. This will be the first thing they see so make sure you are clear, concise and h**e covered all the major points.





SLIDE 11 (tips – abstract)


Here is an example of a structured abstract. I won’t read through it but it should give you some idea of what we are looking for.





SLIDE 12 (tips – target!)


The next pointer is about targeting. One thing that continues to amaze me in this job is that the single most common cause of failure to get published is simply choosing the wrong journal!



H**ing done all the hard work in writing up their research and getting their paper as close to publication as possible, many authors fail at this final hurdle. When selecting a journal, do your homework.



Author guidelines are the most important thing you can look at. They can be found on Emerald’s Website (and on the sites of most other journal publishers) and will give you the journals scope, it’s aims and the sort of papers it is looking for.



Also, do not forget to read the submissions process, this may sound obvious but I can promise you that we come across hundreds of cases a year where authors do not follow steps.



If you are still unsure about whether your paper will be right for a particular journal, then send your abstract to the editor to see if the article is of interest.


Read an issue of the journal, all our journals h**e a few sample articles online that you can download for free so even if you do not h**e a subscription you can still get a fl**our of the journal.



And finally, talk to us! Contrary to popular belief, we DO want to get you published! Obviously we need to maintain quality standards but we also want to assist as many authors as possible in disseminating their research.





SLIDE 13 (tips – five questions)


Ok, so you h**e written your article, perfected your abstract and chosen your journal. Before you submit the final paper, there are five key questions you should ask.




  1. Is      the article readable? Does it communicate with the audience? Don’t forget      that not all readers will be subject experts. Do not over-simplify your      article but try and keep it as straightforward as possible.



  1. Is      it original? This is another common failure – being original, is of course      what you are all searching for.       Finding that angle and exposing it will get you ahead of the others      out there.



  1. Credibility, Is the methodology robust? Is      it clear? Again, keep your methodologies clear and jargon-free.



  1. How      can your new research be used?  What      are the practical applications?       This is another shortcoming of many papers – great, but what does      it mean? How will it change the way we work? What does it do for us?



  1. Internationality, Most publishers are      international…most authors and EABs are international. 





SLIDE 14 (tips – your peer review)


Another useful step prior to publication is to do your own peer review. Pass your paper around your faculty for feedback, or give it to someone who is not a subject expert and see how it reads. Ask for honest criticisms and try to genuinely take on board what is said, even if it is not what you want to hear. After all, the end result will be a far superior paper.



Read and re-read your paper for typos, at the very least run your paper through a computer spell-checker. Another obvious one but again, it amazes me how many authors do not bother to do this before submitting their work.



And finally, make sure your references are complete and up to date. Out of date references are a clear indication that an author has not updated their research.

Full references also give the reader an idea of the work that is being built upon.





SLIDE 15 (tips – electronic dissemination)


You are probably sick of hearing me talk about electronic dissemination but I cannot stress how important this is!



In relation to your article, I would offer the following tips:



Use short but descriptive titles. Less is definitely more in this respect!


The better the title and the abstract, the greater the chance of your article being read online. 



Choose 5-6 broad but relevant keywords that accurately describe your paper – the better the keywords the more likely your paper will be found by users searching the database.



Finally, ask yourself whether you would read an article with your title and abstract.







After all the work you put into a paper, it is understandable why you may not see a request for revision as good news, but rest assured that it really is!



When this happens you are almost IN! Editors and reviewers will not request a revision unless they genuinely think the paper is right for the journal and don’t forget that nearly every published paper is revised at least once.



And do not be discouraged if reviewer comments are sharp or blunt. Bear in mind that these are very busy people and the comments aren’t personal.







This now gives you an opportunity to enter in to talks with the editor about your paper. Firstly, acknowledge the editor and set a revision deadline, which you must then keep. If you are unsure of any comments do not be afraid to ask, and if you disagree with any then say so (although give good reasons as to why you do not think a change is necessary).


You should work on the comments, one by one, as this will vastly increase your chances of acceptance. When the revisions are complete, send the paper back along with a cover letter that clearly states what revisions were requested and how you addressed each issue (if you can provide specific page numbers, even better!).







And whilst no one likes rejection, do not see it as the end of the line. The reviewer or editor comments should give you the information you need to strengthen the weak areas of the paper.



Do not forget that there are hundreds of other journals out there so you can always re-submit to another journal. Go back to those author guidelines, re-read your paper and make sure that you really h**e found the right fit.



Most importantly – KEEP AT IT!!  It’s fair to say that nearly everybody has been rejected once. It is hard, but try not to take it personally.







So there are the tips for publishing success - I hope those points h**e given you some helpful tips.  Now I would like to briefly talk about why we would like you to write for us.



First and foremost we understand the value of authors within the supply chain. That is why we created the Literati club, a network of over 40,000 authors that is open to anyone who writes for us. 



We share our copyright revenues annually, putting £25K back into the research community via our Research Fund Awards.  As far as we are aware, no other scholarly journal publisher does this.



In a survey we carried out last year, 98% of authors would recommend our journals and over 80% believe the journal they published in was highly prestigious.



Another benefit of publishing with Emerald is our liberal copyright policy. We do not restrict or remove your right to use your own work, there are no re-use fees, ever, neither do you h**e to ask permission should you wish to re-publish.


We are a very friendly company!


And finally, we really try to understand our users and authors, hence these workshops where we try to help you get ahead in the publishing process.







I’m sure that you are interested in the journal indexes. There are hundreds of indexes in every subject area. The most famous is the Thomson ISI (SCI/SSCI) index.



Emerald has 33 journals on ISI, with 6 accepted in the last 6 months.



We h**e 9 journals currently under assessment and plans to make a further 14 applications in 2006.



Industrial Management and Data Systems is ranked 1st out of 33 journals in the engineering and industrial category


JDOC has the highest impact factor of all Emerald journals


Of all journals listed the majority increased their impact factors in 2004. We are currently waiting on the new figures.







Emerald also has numerous resources to help authors get published:

Emerald 还提供很多的辅助资源帮助作者成功出版:


        Access to the JADE online submission system, this is currently being rolled out to all journals, which enables a faster turnaround time and improved author interactivity with publication

        进入JADEJournal Article Delivery Engine),期刊文章在线投稿,目前正在向所有期刊铺开,它能使出版周期缩短,并能提升作者和出版物的互动。


        Literati Network, with over 40,000 members world-wide. The website has different sections for authors and researchers and contains information on how to get published, how to write effectively, how to get research funding  and how to plan a research project.


        Author charter. This outlines our clear and beneficial copyright policy


        Non-English editing service provides help for authors who do not speak English as a first language


        Conference Central. A constantly updated list with the latest conference information in business and management, library sciences and engineering areas








Well that just about concludes my presentation. Just to summarise the main points then:



-  Talk to our editors, they’ll be happy to hear from you


-  Engage in dialogue


-  Give us at Emerald some feedback, good or bad


-  Pass on your ideas


-  Access the Emerald database, even if you’re not a subscriber you can

     take advantage of free articles


-  Use the Literati Club resources


-        And of course, write for us!



The final slide on your handout provides useful web addresses so please make use of the resources which are on offer.


I hope I h**e given you an insight into the world of scholarly publishing and maybe even provided you with some tips and techniques you can employ to get your papers that bit closer to publication.







So, thank you for listening.  I do hope this has been an interesting presentation. We now h**e about 10 minutes to take open questions, so if anyone would like to ask anything at this stage please shout out.




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